William Shakespeare’s Biography and his life story

By June 29, 2024 Uncategorized
William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare’s Biography and his life story:

A rare few geniuses of world literature who have transcended the boundaries of time for their epoch-making contributions, William Shakespeare is one of them. The people of the world are still surprised and blessed to get acquainted with this literary worker of almost four hundred years ago. Literary interpreters and critics can convey a vast and multifaceted meaning with a single sentence of William Shakespeare’s play, which has never been possible in any other literary work.

It seems that there is not a single day in the whole year, on which his plays are not being performed in some country or place of the world. Such a popular and profoundly knowledgeable yet philosophical literature has never been born in the world. A brief biography of William Shakespeare, one of the geniuses of world literature. Shakespeare’s biography is discussed in detail.

Who was William Shakespeare?

William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright. Shakespeare is considered the greatest writer in the English language and one of the world’s leading playwrights. Shakespeare is also known as England’s “National Poet” and “Bard of Avon”. Shakespeare’s extant works include 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long epics, and several other poems. Some of the works were written by Shakespeare in collaboration with other authors. William Shakespeare’s plays have been translated into every major living language and performed more times than any other playwright’s work.

Birth of William Shakespeare:

Shakespeare was born on April 26, 1564, in Stratford on the banks of the River Avon in Warwickshire.

Parents of William Shakespeare:

William Shakespeare’s father’s name was John Shakespeare and his mother’s name was Mary Arden. Of the seven siblings, all but William died of plague in childhood.

Childhood of William Shakespeare:

Little is known about William’s childhood and adolescence. But it is known that Shakespeare was born into an old English landed gentry family. Shakespeare’s father was elected Underman and Corporation Bailiff of Stratford. Is known for his interest in and patronage of stage acting while holding all these official positions. He used to help the theater troupes that came to the city from outside to get direct financial assistance. It can be assumed that this theatricality of the father was carried on and developed in the son William.

Shakespeare’s Father:

Many say that John Shakespeare’s profession was a butcher. What is reliably known from Stratford town records, however, is that John was a glove maker and leather goods merchant. It is not difficult to guess that William had the opportunity to see plays on the stage from his childhood in the environment of Stratford. This is how his passion for poetry and acting was born.

Education and Career of William Shakespeare:

Along with his studies, William also looked after his father’s business. The popular story about Shakespeare is that William Shakespeare used to steal deer in the Stratford area. Once he fled to London to avoid punishment for the crime of deer theft. His livelihood was looking after and supervising the horses of those who came to see the theater in the theater. These stories are just fiction, experts do not think that they have any real basis.

Married Life of William Shakespeare:

Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway at the age of eighteen Anne was the daughter of a farmer friend of John Shakespeare.

Acting Life of William Shakespeare:

William has been interested in poetry and acting since childhood. Coming to London, Shakespeare joined a theater group. William Shakespeare’s early work here was writing ginormous plays and plays.

At that time, drama writers did not have much status. They were considered like five other ordinary workers of the theatre. Old records indicate that William did not perform at the Globe or any other theater.

Shakespeare worked with Richard Burbage, Edward Allyn, and later Lord Chamberlain’s company. Within a few days of his life in London, William published two collections of poems at his own expense.

William Shakespeare’s recognition as a poet:

William Shakespeare gained recognition as a poet when Venus and Adonis were published in 1593 AD and The Rape of Lucrecy in 1594 AD. Plays written by William have been successfully performed on the stage. But William Shakespeare had no interest in publishing them in book form. No publisher has come forward.

However, William William Shakespeare’s innate talent was able to raise him from an ordinary worker to a co-owner of one of London’s leading theater companies. William was the second of nine partners in the Globe Theatre. William’s life suffered an extreme disaster. His only son Hamlet died suddenly at the age of eleven.

William Shakespeare was greatly affected by this accident. Shakespeare then took a London bus and came to Stratford.

Here in 1597 AD William Shakespeare bought a big house and started living permanently. The new house was named New Press. William was in London for eight years. During this time he wrote plays one after another and was busy staging them.

William married his two daughters Susan and Judith at Stratford in 1608 and 1616 respectively.

Plays of Shakespeare:

The First Folio, the first collection of Shakespeare’s plays, was first published in 1623 AD. Shakespeare wrote a total of 34 plays, they are:

  • Historical Dramas: Henry IV, Henry IV, Part II, Henry V, Henry VIII.
  • Historical Tragedy: Henry VI 1st, 2nd, 3rd Part, Richard III, Richard II, King John.
  • Tragedy: Titus Andronicus, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, Timon of Athens.

Comedies of William Shakespeare:

The Comedy of Errors, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Love’s Labor Lost, The Taming of the Shrew, Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing, Midsummer Night’s Dream. As You Like It, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Twelfth Knight, Troilers and Grasida, All’s Well That Ends Well, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale, The Tempest, The Two Noble Kinsmen.

Poetry of William Shakespeare:

Shakespeare’s poetry includes 154 Sonnets, Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucretia, and an elegy, The Phoenix and Turtle.

Death of William Shakespeare:

This world-renowned great dramatist passed away on April 23, 1616, at the age of 52. He was buried next to the preaching altar in front of a small church in his hometown.

Biography of William Shakespeare:
When was Shakespeare born?
Ans: William Shakespeare was born on 26 April 1564.

Who was Shakespeare?
Ans: William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright.

What was Shakespeare’s father’s name?
Ans: William Shakespeare’s father’s name is John Shakespeare.

What was Shakespeare’s mother’s name?
Ans: Shakespeare’s mother’s name is Mary Arden.

How many plays did Shakespeare write?
Ans: Shakespeare wrote 34 plays.

When were Shakespeare’s plays first published?
Ans: Shakespeare’s plays were first published in 1623.

How many sonnets are there in Shakespeare’s poetry?
Ans: There are 154 sonnets in Shakespeare’s poetry.

What are the humorous plays of William Shakespeare?
Ans: William Shakespeare’s humorous plays are โ€“ The Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Midsummer, etc.

What was the name of William Shakespeare’s wife?
Ans: William Shakespeare’s wife’s name is Anne Hathaway.

When was Shakespeare born?
Ans: William Shakespeare was born on 26 April 1564.

When did Shakespeare die?
Ans: William Shakespeare breathed his last on 23 April 1616.

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